
It was during the late 1950’s that seven Wolcott businessmen recognized the future needs and problems of a rapidly expanding and fast growing town, when they planned, formed and incorporated on April 17, 1959, the Wolcott Chamber of Commerce. These men were, Fred Barratt, Alfred E. Garthwait, Clifford G. Herbst, Richard G. Lazotte, Carl G. Mattson, Ernest J. Meuten and Charles Rietdyke. At its’ inception, the Chamber played a prominent role in Wolcott’s commercial, industrial and civic welfare under the direction of some of Wolcott’s finest civic minded leaders. Among its past presidents were, Ernest J. Meuten, Byron Hidges, William Lyga, Clifford G. Herbst, Raymond A. King, William E. Fogarty, Ralph L. Warner, Peary Cohen, Joseph LaPointe, Edward Wilensky, Darlene Tynan and Dan Migliaro.

Major areas in which the Chamber has pioneered or contributed its services over the years include the formation and introduction of the Town Council form of government; the creation and adoption of the Wolcott Building Code; the formation and organization of our Industrial Development Commission; the erection of Wolcott directional signs on State Highways; the change to Mayor/Town Council form of government and the planning of the Wolcott Race Track. The Chamber served its members as well as the community as a Better Business Bureau and on a daily basis provided needed services in the fields of mediation and good business practices. The business of the Chamber is administered by its duly elected Board of Directors who meet monthly, and elect their officers, President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Executive Secretary on a yearly basis. Each member contributes both time and services freely at no cost to the Chamber.